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Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 10:20 pm
by Nube2021
Please, add a start button. It would be wounderful to have this nice gadget isolated, just for itself, only the musician and his friend...It is really very annoying to switch everytime to the sequencer, it disturbs my concentration on this nice peace of software, it is everytime a mental switch that destroys the creativity flow.

Furthermore, it would be fantastic to implement a standalone version. I don't know if you guys play real instruments. I do, and I tell, it would be very very annoying if I had to start a DAW, check my soundcard settings and s.o. everytime I want to play my guitar. An instrument should not be dependent from other things, its indenpendence is its soul, just take it and let the creativity flow, don't let anything come between you, at least a DAW. And that was also one of the advantages of the TB 303, its mobility, just take it and play with it, alone with the TB 303, no distractions like a DAW with plenty other VSTs and midi tracks and effects and especially the fact that you always have to change your focus when you want to start the sequencer.

Please, at least a start button, and maybe, yes maybe one day a standalone version. Ah, I forgot, was Rebirth not standalone too? I bet that also has been one of the aspects for its success, just start it, and go on, let the inspiration takes you along...and not your DAW.

And finally just a question, would it be technically possible to implement it for the IPhone? Just imagine the possibilities, in the bus, in the train, in the school :shock: Oh man, it would go like hotcakes.


Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 9:33 am
by Sebastian@d16

Absolutely understandable and this feature is already on ToDo list for Phoscyon plug-in. We're going to make it working exactly as it takes a place in Nepheton and Drumazon now. However play button will be included in 2.x version of Phoscyon, because of some compatibility issues could appear with projects made with Phoscyon 1.x.

It also will be useful in a case we make standalone version of Phoscyon, which is highly probable.

Best regards,

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 2:55 pm
by Puranon
Is this why I can't get Phoscyon to play without connecting it to a MIDI track first?

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 12:52 pm
by Sebastian@d16
Yes. Phoscyon needs to be triggered by a midi note (triggering a pattern), apart from Transport Change midi code.

Best regards,