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Phosycon controllers bug in live

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 4:08 pm
by twisted-space
Hi guys, your going to hate me but............
In live 7 various controllers are incorrectly reported.
E.G. ditortion on/off is reversed, arpe range buttons are reversed arpe mode random is reported as 0.45 arpe repeat 1x and 1.5x are both shown as 1x and arpe tempo multiplyer isnt reported at all, seq int/ext shows up as parameter 36 clock int/ext is parameter 35 and play live shows as parameter 41.
Can I have a job as a beta tester?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:29 am
by Sebastian@d16

Thank You, and we do not hate You :),

Nobody reported it earlier, I guess, mailny because people prefer to use GUI instead of text controls.

We'll drop You a line when some intense beta tests will be necessary :)

Best regards,

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:04 pm
by twisted-space
It really becomes an issue if you use novation's automap, on a remote sl the lables update depending on the plugin, if the plugin reports incorrectly then the lables follow suite. Probably not an issue for most people.
I was kinda joking about being a beta tester, although I'm happy to if required.