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Toraverb 2 UI Frozen

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 10:33 pm
by welvet

I'm Splice D16 Bundle happy user. I absolutely love the bundle but there is a weird UI issue which I experience every 10 minutes of any of D16 plugins use. When I add Toraverb 2 (or any other D16 plugins) I can use it fine, I can tweak parameters using both plugin UI and Mapped Vst parameters directly in Ableton plugin device (on a rack). But after a while this happens:

The Toraverb 2 Plugin UI got frozen and I can't move any knob or choice any preset inside VST, but I still hear processed sound and if I move Ableton Mapped knobs I see that UI actually reflects changes. Another thing when UI is frozen the plugin window actually have some weird yellow overlay (the same way as if you change colour balance to warm on your photo, see screenshots).


To fix that I usually remove the plugin from track and then press CTRL-Z to get it back and the plugin is back to normal for a while.

I use Ableton 10.0.5 x64 Intro on Windows 10. I installed all D16 bundle VST2 plugins using Splice App into default C:\Program Files\Vstplugins folder.

It happens with every with every D16 plugin from Splice Bundle.
Feel free to ask me any tech information - I'm willing to help.