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Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 8:21 pm
by HerrGoerres
Mostly have Sync-Problems in Logic 8, the same I had with the VST-AU Wrapper.

When playing a track Nepheton (or Drumazon) often skips (or gets delayed) a 8th Note or so (Can be an Inspiration to hear the different relation of Beat and Bassline/Chords).

Sometimes Nepheton won't start its internal Sequencer when i press play in Logic even at the very beginning of the track. In that cases, i must press the stop-button in Nepheton to bring it back to sync with the sequencer.

But soooo glad that the AU-Versions are finally coming up (multiple outs!)

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 8:42 pm
by Sebastian@d16

What version of MacOS do You have (exact; 10.x.x - I mean the x'es)?

and processor family (PPC or Intel)?

Best regards,

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:10 am
by Sebastian@d16
Hello again,

We'll investigate this. Sometimes host application doesn't notify inserted plug-in about midi transport change properly (sometimes to early, sometimes to late) - it's a main reason why pattern could be de-synchronized to rest of tracks. That's why we also made other method of triggering Nepheton VST and it'll be available in AU, namely starting playing by a lowest C note. You simply create midi region with lowest C note in it, and when note on midi code comes in to the Nepheton, it starts to play.

"About" window ATM is disabled, and there all settings are, among the others "lowest C note triggering".

Best regards,

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:13 am
by Sebastian@d16
One more thing. Could You also check out "host mode", how about this mode? It should synchronize correctly, because patterns are triggered by notes incoming to Nepheton.

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 5:17 pm
by HerrGoerres

im using Logic 8 on Macbook Pro 2.33 GHz 4 GB RAM and OS 10.4.11 (going to switch to 10.5.x soon).

In Host-Mode it syncronizes good, although i can't play my own pattern, probably cause i can't save it yet (How do i apply a Pattern to a certain midi-note anyway, believe there is a kind of Setting when the save-futures are available?).

Is the lowest c-note the c-2 or c-1 or c0? Default patterns are triggered from c-0 upwards.

How do i get Nepheton to stop during a certain part of the track, do i create a empty pattern? (Maybe shoudn't be in this forum...)

Best regards

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 5:19 pm
by HerrGoerres
Forgot: Macbook Pro is has Intel-chip of course

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 5:27 pm
by HerrGoerres
Maybe one more thing: What would be nice in the future is to dial in the value of parameter-setting in decimal numbers (like for example in Native instruments Battery or in logic) by double clicking on the poti. Sometimes its difficult to set the exact tune of the instrument with the mouse when using for example the toms as a melodic instrument

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:41 am
by Sebastian@d16

First of all, I'm sorry for bit delayed answer, yesterday we have some stuff to replace and move at our office :) it was hell ;D.
HerrGoerres wrote:Hi,

im using Logic 8 on Macbook Pro 2.33 GHz 4 GB RAM and OS 10.4.11 (going to switch to 10.5.x soon).

In Host-Mode it syncronizes good, although i can't play my own pattern, probably cause i can't save it yet (How do i apply a Pattern to a certain midi-note anyway, believe there is a kind of Setting when the save-futures are available?).
That's very good news, it only proofs that "lowest C note" synchronization method will also work fine with host mode turned off.

Nepheton doesn't save patterns within the chunks atm (we're aware of this bug) and saving internal patterns is blurred. And all those features will be available soon.
HerrGoerres wrote:
Is the lowest c-note the c-2 or c-1 or c0? Default patterns are triggered from c-0 upwards.
It depends on host, it's just the lowest possible to set C note. In a Cubase it was C-(-2) in FL studio on PC it was C0. But this option isn't accessible atm for turning it on. Mainly because "About" button is blurred and there're all settings for Nepheton.
HerrGoerres wrote:
How do i get Nepheton to stop during a certain part of the track, do i create a empty pattern? (Maybe shoudn't be in this forum...)

Best regards
If You would like to turn off the pattern playing, just turn on "NOTE OFF" flag - near by the "HOST MODE" flag on a GUI. When NOTE OFF midi code comes in to Nepheton, the current pattern stops.


Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:52 am
by Sebastian@d16
HerrGoerres wrote:Maybe one more thing: What would be nice in the future is to dial in the value of parameter-setting in decimal numbers (like for example in Native instruments Battery or in logic) by double clicking on the poti. Sometimes its difficult to set the exact tune of the instrument with the mouse when using for example the toms as a melodic instrument
To set value of any control on GUI more precisely You can just tweak it with APPLE button pressed. Anyway we're going to add such a feature You mentioned about, double clicking on control will cause appearing a tooltip; textbox, which allows typing value applicable to particular control. For example if You double click on a "filter type" control, You could type in "bp", "lp" etc.

Best regards,

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 10:34 am
by ostiknostis
Say, any bits of news you could give us on the development of Nepheton AU? I've been using the beta version and have been making tons of music with it already ;)

Just the int-seq mode defaulting to on is a bit annoying, but that will of course be fixed in the final version.. Here's hoping you guys get there soon!

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 4:15 pm
by Przemek@d16
New beta version of Nepheton AU has just been released. It fixes mainly the total recall bug. Now you should be able to load and save projects without any problems.

I'll give you more details tomorrow on what we want to fix next and when.


Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:29 am
by ostiknostis
Hi guys.

Just tested the Nepheton2 beta rev2 today and found a minor bug:

when opening a song that was made with the previous nepheton2 AU beta, nepheton2 starts playback in internal seq mode, as usual. However, when disabling the int seq mode, the status light does not go off even if playback mode changes from int seq mode to host mode?!

(Running a MacBook Pro, Ableton Live 7.010, OSX 10.4.11)

Will check more.. Oh yeah, and if this is the wrong place to post bug reports, let me know where to put 'em in the future.


Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 3:05 pm
by Sebastian@d16

First of all, this is definitely THE RIGHT place to put bug reports! :D

Concerning the problem You've been experiencing; when You try to disable int seq led, it doesn't go off, but external mode turns on?

My question is does only LED not work or whole external mode?

Best regards,

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 3:54 pm
by ostiknostis
Sebastian@d16 wrote: My question is does only LED not work or whole external mode?
Only the LED. External mode is activated as normal, except that the light never switches off. So I'd say this a minor bug..

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 7:13 am
by DBS

can we expect multi-output for AU?
