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Newbie set up question

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:22 pm
by davek

I have recently brough the classics box set but am having problems playing Phosycon and all of the drum machines back in Cubase.

My system is I5 Windows 7, Cubase SE 1.0.6, M-Audio Ozone.

On all of the D16 instruments the sounds only plays back on the left speaker. This is strange as I hava tried other VST instruments (Halion 3) and that plays back in left and right speaker automatically.

Can anyone give advice on how to set up these instruments to play back sound so it comes through left and right speaker? I am enyoying experimenting with patterns but it is not so good when I can only hear output through left speaker.


Re: Newbie set up question

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:56 am
by Sebastian@d16

Cubase SE 1 is one very old host application :) and i suppose it's not compatible with modern VST specification. I recommend you
to use newer version or other vendor's application.

Best regards,

Re: Newbie set up question

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:39 am
by davek
Thanks for confirming Sebastien - :lol: yes Cubase SE is old - I like to use it for audio editing though just because I am so familiar with it.

I have Ableton 6 and the D16 group work fine in that so I am able to use them now.